While I’ve never gotten to meet Steve Jobs I am proud to have had my app Shanghai Mahjong icon on screen during Apple’s September of 2008 Special Event. Soon after it began to also appear on many Apple Store fronts world wide. To think Steve Jobs approved of it’s look to be used in these ways always made me proud of my work.
iOS Wireless App Distribution Talk
StandardTonight I am giving a talk on iOS Wireless App Distribution at Chicago Cocoaheads. If you missed it or want to follow along you can download the Keynote file.
Here is a list of links referenced in my talk:
- Jeffrey Sambells Article on the topic
- TestFlight http://www.testflightapp.com/
- TestFlight’s Article on Creating IPAs
- Hockey https://github.com/TheRealKerni/Hockey
- Diawi http://www.diawi.com/
- iOS Beta Builder http://www.hanchorllc.com/2010/08/24/introducing-ios-beta-builder/
- My Manifest Destiny PHP script: https://gist.github.com/817302
As part of my talk I created a new PHP script that I am calling Manifest Destiny. It automates a step of the process by creating the required manifest property list files on your server. In addition to that it also gives a customizable HTML listing for devices to install said ipa files from their iOS devices. This is currently available as a Gist over on Github.
In the future I may branch it out to be it’s own project, as I have lots of ideas on how to make things better for my workflow. Also let me know via the link on the left if you port it to Ruby or any other server side languages, and I’ll include a link to it.